Sunday, December 30, 2012

Top 10 Recipes For 2012

Top 10 Low Carb Recipes for 2012

I started my little blog in February 2012, figuring it would be a way to force me to stay on plan since I'd be publicly writing about it.  It has kept me on plan, but it has also turned into something that has made me quite proud of myself and all of you that read it.  You have no idea how much your comments and compliments mean to me and how great it feels to be doing something that might help or (gasp) actually inspire other people.  With that said, I am proud to put together your top 10 favorite recipes from 2012.  I hope you had a great year and I look forward to spending 2013 with all of you.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm in Low-Carbing Among Friends volume 3!

Low Carb Layla's Pizza Stuffed Chicken from LCAF vol.3
I would like to announce that not only is a great Low Carb cookbook coming out next month, but I will have two recipes in it!  I consider everyone at Low-Carbing Among Friends (LCAF) to be the "who's who" in the Low Carb world.  For them to ask me to participate under their Among Friends section in their newest edition, volume 3 is an honor for a blogger like me that simply takes photos of the dinner I feed my family with an iPhone.

If you haven't already, please make sure to go pre-order your copy now!  You can order coil-bound or perfect bound.  All pre-orders will ship before January 31st, 2013.  Most information and pre-order form is available at: Low-Carbing Among Friends volume 3.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 5

Sugar Free Jello with Whipped Whipping Cream
Oops, I didn't realize that I left you all hanging by not pushing the Publish button before I took a break for the December madness.  Here is the VERY late 5th day of my fat fast.

Day 5!  I did it!  I did it!  Today was actually fairly easy just because I was running in circles all day so I never really had time to think about food.  The scale this morning said I lost 2.0 pounds from yesterday!  That puts me at a total of 5.3 pounds for 5 days of the fat fast!  Well worth eating tons of small portions of odd foods!  I definitely plan on doing the fat fast again on occasion when I need an extra boost.

Day 5 Meal Plan

Fat Fast Day 5: 970 calories 94g fat 4.98 net carbs 2% carbs, 88%fat, 10% protein
o   Coffee with ¼ c whipping cream 108c 93%fat
o   3 slices bacon 130cal 69%fat
o   1 ounce pecan halved, fried in butter 197cal 98%fat
o   1 egg & 1 egg yolk scrambled with 1 TBSP whipping cream and 1 TBSP coconut oil 308c 86%fat
o   2 servings sugar free jello with ½ cup whipped whipping cream 227c 88%fat

**Fat Fast Day 1: Fat Fast Day 1 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 2: Fat Fast Day 2 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 3: Fat Fast Day 3 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 4: Fat Fast Day 4 Meal Planner

Friday, December 7, 2012

Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 4

Ahhh day 4.  I got on the scale this morning and lost .7 pounds from yesterday.  That puts me at 3.3 pounds lost so far during the fat fast.  Today went a bit wonky for me.  I stuck with the fat fast but I didn't eat the items I had intended.  Below I posted the menu I intended to eat as well as what I actually ate.  I made the mac and cheese recipe below and thought it was disgusting so I threw it away and grabbed 2 oz of cream cheese out of the fridge.  I then got home much later than I anticipated so instead of frying up the pecan halves, I just grabbed an ounce of macadamia nuts.  Crazy busy day and I had to improvise but I made good choices while improvising!  I didn't realize that I didn't eat enough today until I was revising my tracker at 11pm so it is too late to grab something else to help with the calorie deficit.  Oops.

Day 4 INTENDED Meal Plan

Fat Fast day 4: 999 calories 98g fat 6.74net carbs – 6% carbs, 88% fat, 6% protein

o   Coffee with ¼ c whipping cream 108c 93%fat
o   3 slices bacon 130cal 69%fat
o   1 ounce pecan halved, fried in butter 197cal 98%fat
o   1 oz macadamia nuts 204c 95%fat
o   Fat Fast Mac-and-Cheese 360cal 85%fat
§  1 packet  tofu shirataki, preferably fettuccine width
§  2 tablespoons  heavy cream
§  1 tablespoon  whipped cream cheese
§  1 /4 c shredded  cheddar cheese
§  ½ tablespoon  coconut oil
·         Drain and rinse 1 packet of tofu shirataki — I like the fettuccine width or the hard-to-find macaroni version.  Put ‘em in a bowl, and nuke them on high for 90 seconds or so.  Drain them again.  Nuke them again.  Drain them again.  This should get the excess water out of them.  Add everything else to the bowl, and stir till the cheese melts and you have a smooth sauce.  That’s all!

Day 4 ACTUAL Meal Plan

Fat Fast day 4: 640 calories 62g fat 4.35 net carbs 4% carbs, 88% fat, 8% protein

o   Coffee with ¼ c whipping cream 108c 93%fat
o   3 slices bacon 130cal 69%fat
o   1 oz macadamia nuts 204c 95%fat
o   2 oz cream cheese 198c 90%fat

**Fat Fast Day 1: Fat Fast Day 1 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 2: Fat Fast Day 2 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 3: Fat Fast Day 3 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 5: Fat Fast Day 5 Meal Planner

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 3

Peanut Butter Cream Cheese
Day 3 of the fat fast!  I woke up this morning and had lost 1.7 pounds since yesterday.  That makes my loss so far at 2.6 pounds after 2 days of eating this way.  Woo!  I don't feel hungry but I do feel like I need to stay extra busy as all day long I think "food, food, food".  It's not physical hunger but mentally I want to eat more/different stuff.  It's only for 5 days and I know I can keep my mind right for just 2 more days.  I am enjoying the results though!

Day 3 Fat Fast Meal Plan

Fat Fast day 3: 1101 calories 106g fat 10.59net carbs – 6% carbs, 87%fat, 7% protein

o   Coffee with ¼ cup whipping cream 108c 93%fat
o   3 slices bacon 130cal 69%fat
o   Peanut Butter Cream Cheese: 1 ounce cream cheese, 1 TBSP SF PB, 1 TBSP whipping cream, 1/4tsp Splenda, 1/8 tsp ground cinnamon.  Blend together 245cal 88%fat
o   1 oz macadamia nuts 204c 95%fat
o   4 oz sliced mushrooms, sautéed in 1 TBSP butter with 1 TBSP Boursin melted in.  187 calories 86% fat
o   2 servings sugar free jello with ½ cup whipped whipping cream 227c 88%fat

**Fat Fast Day 1: Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 1
**Fat Fast Day 2: Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 2
**Fat Fast Day 4: Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 4
**Fat Fast Day 5: Fat Fast Day 5 Meal Planner

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 2

Boursin Mushrooms
Day 2 of the fat fast!  I've lost .9 pounds so far.  Just shy of 1 pound in 1 day!  Food did consume my thoughts today though.  I was having some difficulties during the afternoon.  I held it together though by having a glass of plain unsweetened tea.  It wasn't like real food but I was able to stall myself enough until it was time to eat again.  The photo above is the mushrooms sauteed in butter then Boursin spread melted in.  This was my favorite meal of the day and I will probably incorporate it into a regular side dish when I'm back to my normal low carb life.

Day 2 Fat Fast Meal Plan

Fat Fast day 2: 1078 calories 105g fat 9.04 net carbs – 5% carbs, 88% fat, 7% protein

o   Coffee with ¼ cup whipping cream 108cal 93%fat
o   1 egg & 1 egg yolk scrambled with 1 TBSP whipping cream and 1 TBSP coconut oil 308cal 86%fat
o   4 oz sliced mushrooms, sautéed in 1 TBSP butter with 1 TBSP Boursin melted in 187 cal 86% fat
o   1 oz macadamia nuts 204cal 95%fat
o   2 oz cream cheese 198cal 90%fat
o   2 servings sugar free jello with ¼ cup whipped whipping cream 124cal 88%fat     

**Day 1 Fat Fast: Day 1 Fat Fast Meal Planner
**Day 3 Fat Fast: Day 3 Fat Fast Meal Planner
**Day 4 Fat Fast: Day 4 Fat Fast Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 5: Fat Fast Day 5 Meal Planner

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Fat Fast Meal Planner Day 1

Photo courtesy of
Ahhh the fat fast.  I've heard quite a bit about it throughout the low carb world.  This short 3-5 day meal plan is supposed to jump start weight loss, throw you off of a plateau and put you into deep ketosis.  When I first heard about it, I had heard that you pretty much eat macadamia nuts and plain cream cheese all day for 5 days.  Blech!  Not that I don't like those two items, I just can't imagine eating it all day long for a couple of days straight.  I quickly dismissed the idea of ever wanting to try the fat fast.  However, I recently came across this article on Carb Smart by Dana Carpender along with her subsequent articles on the progression of her Fat Fast linked at the bottom of the Carb Smart page and quickly changed my mind.  Dana has recommended a multitude of foods to help come up with the 90% fat and 1000 calories per day that is optimal for the fat fast.  You are supposed to eat 5 small mini-meals a day to achieve this.  I sort of broke it out into 6 only because I started with coffee every morning, but still maintained my approximately 1000 calories per day.

I will post each day with my meal plan, nutrition information along with fat %, etc.  I use for my tracking and calculations.

So off we go!

Day 1 Fat Fast Meal Plan:

Fat Fast day 1: 1036 calories 100g fat 7.97 net carbs – 6% carbs, 88% fat, 6% protein
o   Coffee with ¼ c whipping cream 108cal, 93%fat
o   3 slices bacon 114cal, 63%fat
o   Half avocado with 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp lime juice, salt and pepper 185cal, 87%fat
o   1 oz macadamia nuts 204cal, 95%fat
o   2 oz cream cheese 198cal, 90%fat
o   2 servings sugar free jello with ½ cup whipped whipping cream 227cal, 88%fat

This plan worked out well for me today.  The worst part was eating the plain cream cheese.  I put some dried chives, salt and pepper on it.  I tried to pretend that it was just a thin bagel with mounds of cream cheese but I didn't fool myself.  The rest of the day was fine.  No issues and no urges to cheat.

**Fat Fast Day 2: Fat Fast Day 2 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 3: Fat Fast Day 3 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 4: Fat Fast Day 4 Meal Planner
**Fat Fast Day 5: Fat Fast Day 5 Meal Planner

Monday, November 26, 2012

Comment Verification

My apologies to everyone as today I had to implement a comment verification that will make you have to type in one of those annoying word verification boxes before you can post a comment.  I tried to let it be open and easy for as long as possible but the spammers have gotten to a point that I'm getting approximately 50 spam comments a day and it's getting taxing to have to clean up so much and making my little hobby here not so fun. :(

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pumpkin Pancakes

Pumpkin Pancakes
Oh these were good!  The batter made two large pancakes that were extremely filling.  I wasn't hungry for lunch after having these for breakfast.  Feel free to pour a little sugar free pancake syrup over them but I didn't think it was needed.  I just added a pat of butter to the top and thought they were great! *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

1 serving
6.25 net carbs per serving

2 oz cream cheese, softened in microwave
2 eggs
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp ground ginger
2 TBSP golden flax meal
2 TBSP canned pure pumpkin puree
1 TBSP water
1 TBSP Splenda (or sweetener or choice)

Beat together thoroughly (NO LUMPS so make sure that cream cheese is very soft).  Pour on a cooking-sprayed skillet that has been pre-heated on medium.  Cook for about 4 minutes, or until underside is browned, then flip for another 1-2 minutes.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Lemon Coconut One Minute Cake

Lemon Coconut One Minute Cake
Oh how I love thee, One Minute Cake.  I'm not very good at planning my meals ahead (I know, I know, shame on me).  Sometimes I stand in the pantry, staring at all the junk food in there for my family of carb-etarians.  The junk whispers "eat me, I'm so good" or "one Oreo won't hurt".  (exactly the reasons why you should have a game plan and decide your low carb meals in advance!)  This is where the One Minute Cake becomes crucial.  I've made a couple of flavors (PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE ONE MINUTE CAKEONE MINUTE BREAD, and INDIVIDUAL MICROWAVE COBBLER) but I think this Lemon Coconut is my new favorite.  The ingredients mix is spot on to have a good cake texture, a bit moist and fluffy.  This was an amazing emergency dessert and I enjoyed every bite!

1 serving
4.5 net carbs per serving

1 TBSP coconut oil (in liquid form, put in microwave for a few seconds)
1 egg
1 tsp water
1/2 tsp lemon extract
2 TBSP granular Splenda (or your sweetener of choice)
2 TBSP almond flour
1 TBSP coconut flour
1 TBSP shredded unsweetened coconut
pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients in a mug with a fork until thoroughly combined.  Microwave for one minute (microwave ovens may vary).

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sauteed Mushrooms

Sauteed Mushrooms
I LOVE mushrooms.  However, my family doesn't so I don't make them very often.  Tonight I made them a carb-y side dish and made some yummy sauteed mushrooms just for myself.  They were easy to prepare and were very flavorful.  I think I ate more than one serving.  Shhhh.....don't tell.  I think I need to make them more often!

4 servings
3 net carbs per serving

2 TBSP butter
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp balsamic vinegar
1 clove garlic, minced
1 pound mushrooms, sliced
1/8 tsp seasoned salt (check labels as some brands add sugar)
1/2 tsp dried parsley
fresh pepper to taste

Melt butter over medium heat in a large saute pan.  Add all other ingredients and saute for 10-15 minutes, until the mushrooms are cooked to your desired tenderness.  Serve immediately as mushrooms generally do not re-heat well.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Ghost Poo aka Cream Cheese Clouds

Cream Cheese Clouds aka Frozen Cheesecake Bites

Ghost Poo (see what I did there since it's almost Halloween?!), aka Cream Cheese Clouds, aka Frozen Cheesecake Bites!  Fun and yummy and a great way to grab a little sweet dessert or snack.  I pulled this off of Linda's page as Cream Cheese Clouds.  My father (also a low carber!) came up with the Ghost Poo because he's funny like that.  I wrote the recipe below as basic Cream Cheese Clouds or Frozen Cheesecake Bites but if you'd like to swirl them to make them Ghost Poo, just spoon the mixture into a sandwich bag and then cut one of the end tips of the bag off to make a home pastry bag.  You can mix up the flavors by using different extracts or adding some unsweetened cocoa powder, a bit of pumpkin puree, etc.  Fun! *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

24 clouds
1 net carb per cloud/serving

8 oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
3/4 cup granular Splenda (or sweetener of choice)
1/2 tsp vanilla (I used 1/4 tsp lemon and 1/4 tsp vanilla)

Beat everything with an electric mixer until fluffy.  Drop by bite-size spoonfuls onto a wax paper-lined baking sheet to make 24 clouds.  (or spoon into sandwich bag, cut the tip off to make a pastry bag)  Freeze until firm, at least 1 hour.  Store in the freezer and eat frozen.

Once frozen, these store in the refrigerator just fine.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bangin Sauce

Bangin Sauce
I've written several times about the virtues of Bangin Sauce in my posts about BANGIN SHRIMP and DEEP FRIED CAULIFLOWER.  I made it for the um-teenth time recently and decided, d*mmit this sauce deserves it's own post!  It deserves to be put on a pedestal and admired.  Use it as dip for chicken nuggets, dip for veggies, slathered on eggs, as a sauce on burgers, sauteed with shrimp, etc.  It's great with EVERYTHING!

4 servings
2 net carbs per serving

3 TBSP mayonnaise
2 TBSP scallions, chopped fine
1 TBSP chili garlic sauce
1 TBSP sugar free imitation honey (can sub with 1/2 TBSP Splenda)
1/2 tsp Sriracha (aka Rooster Sauce)

Combine the mayo, scallions, chili garlic sauce, sugar free honey and Sriracha sauce in a small bowl.  Serve with anything!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Peanut Butter Chocolate Minute Cake

Peanut Butter Chocolate Minute Cake
I gotta say, I'm kind of in love with myself for coming up with this one.  I would enjoy this recipe even if I wasn't low carbing.  It's sinful, decadent, easy to throw together and cooks in one minute.  LOVE.  It's very good without the peanut butter if you feel like having just chocolate cake.

1 serving
7 net carbs per serving

1 tablespoon butter, softened
2 tablespoons granular Splenda (or sweetener of your choice)

1 egg
2 TBSP almond meal 
1/8 teaspoon vanilla
Pinch salt
1 TBSP golden flax meal (can replace with another TBSP of almond meal)
2 TBSP unsweetened cocoa powder 
1 TBSP natural no sugar added peanut butter, softened

Mix all ingredients except peanut butter in a mug with a fork until well blended.  Scoop softened peanut butter on top of batter and blend lightly, just enough to swirl chocolate and peanut butter together but not thoroughly mix.  Microwave for one minute (time may need to be adjusted depending on your microwave but less is more with this recipe or it will become too dry).

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cheese n Chili Chops

Cheese n Chili Chops
Another meal in the series of meal suggestions!  As a bit of an experiment I used the Customize-able Meal Planner and have been following it as closely as possible for my meals during the last week.  You can see my entire week of planned Induction meals HERE. 

This was a nice basic recipe without too much fluff or difficulty with a decent amount of flavor payoff.  It was a bit awkward trying ti spread the cream cheese over the salsa layer.  Next time I'll probably just mix the two together and spread over each pork chop. *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

2 servings
3.9 net carbs per serving

1 tsp canola oil
2 pork chops (I used boneless but either is fine)
1/4 cup salsa (check labels for added sugar)
2 1/4 ounce canned diced green chilies
1 tsp ground cumin
1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese
2 TBSP cream cheese, softened

Heat oil in a nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.  Season chops with salt and pepper.  Brown chops about 2 minutes per side.  Combine salsa, chilies and cumin in a bowl.  Pour mixture over chops.  Reduce heat to low, cover skillet and simmer chops 5 minutes or until cooked through.  Mix cheeses in a bowl.  Divide cheese mixture over chops, cover and cook 1 minute, just until cheese melts.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chicken Nuggets II

Chicken Nuggets II
This recipe is called Chicken Nuggets II because, well, because I already have a CHICKEN NUGGET recipe posted.  There are tons of ways to make chicken nuggets so it's great to try different ways and see what appeals most to your family.  My family really liked this one, with no mention of it being odd or "not normal" chicken nuggets.  They just scarfed them down while saying that they were good.  I don't think they realized that they were made with any type of specialty ingredients.  It's also nice to get some extra fiber in their diets by using golden flax.

4 servings
6 net carbs per serving

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 cup frying oil of your choice
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup golden flax mill
1 tsp Splenda (or sweetener of choice)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp seasoning salt
1 tsp smoked paprika
1/2 tsp dried parsley
pepper to taste

Cut chicken breasts into one inch cubes.  Pre-heat frying oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet.  While pre-heating, mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.  Add chicken chunks and mix well to ensure all sides of each chicken chunk is coated.  Add chicken to hot skillet in a single layer (cook chicken in batches if needed).  Turn chicken after 4-5 minutes or golden brown until all sides are golden.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Ranch Cauliflower Mash

Ranch Cauliflower Mash
I hadn't eaten much cauliflower before becoming a Low Carber.  However, in the low carb world cauliflower is the pretty standard rice or potato replacement so I eventually tried cooking various recipes with it.  I must say that I wish I had included it in my vegetable repertoire sooner.  It is great cooked a multitude of ways, it's yummy and my whole family likes it.  This recipe for cauliflower is a quick, basic microwave recipe but it made my family and I happy.  My 11 year old even packed the leftovers in his lunch the next day.  I used commercially prepared ranch salad dressing (Hidden Valley original) but feel free to whip up your own homemade as well.

3 servings
4 net carbs per serving

1/2 head of cauliflower
1 TBSP butter
3 TBSP low carb Ranch dressing (check labels)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper to taste

Break cauliflower up into small pieces and place into a microwave safe bowl.  Add approx 1 TBSP of water.  Steam in microwave for 6 minutes.  Remove from microwave and mash with a fork.  Add Ranch, garlic powder, salt and pepper.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Black Soy Beans and Peppers

Black Soy Beans
What the heck is a photo of beans doing on a Low Carb blog?  I'm sure that's what you are thinking if you've never heard of black soy beans.  They are the lowest carb bean of them all!  I've yet to try these magic beans but recently went to Sprouts with the sole intent to pick up some Eden Organic Black Soy Beans.  Boy am I glad I did as these are just like "regular" black beans!  I doctored them up quite a bit as I wasn't sure what the taste was going to be like so I wanted to use some ingredients to help blend it better.  If you like your beans with tomatoes and peppers and such, then this recipe is right up your alley!  If you like your black beans a little simpler, I think these black soy beans will make you quite happy as well.

4 servings
5 net carbs per serving

2 tsp olive oil (or sauteing oil of choice)
1/2 green bell pepper, chopped (I used a handful of frozen mixed peppers that I chopped)
1/4 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 can black soy beans, drained
1 can tomatoes with green chili, drained (check labels as some store brands have less net carbs than the Rotel name brand)
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp Splenda (optional)
salt to taste

Saute the green bell pepper, onion and garlic in the olive oil until soft.  Add all remaining ingredients and simmer until everything is thoroughly mixed and warmed throughout.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Celery Root "Potato" Chips

Celery Root "Potato" Chips
Oh these were good.  I mean GOOD kind of good.  Celery Root (aka celeriac) made chips that were extremely close to homemade potato chips.  They do have a bit of a celery aftertaste but it just reminded me of celery salt, which I LOVE so that was kind of a bonus.  I had my 11 year old try them and he declared them awesome....until I told him what they were and he then decided they were "weird" and didn't want anymore.  The Hubs said they were a hit and really enjoyed.  The 2 year old didn't like them and said they were "yuck".  The 15 month old scarfed them while screaming "french fries!" the entire time.  They would be good with a variety of seasonings depending on what flavor of chip you want.  I went with a light sprinkle of seasoning salt and thought it was a perfect flavor to go with the celery salt taste these have naturally.  These will be in my regular snack rotation for sure! *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

4 servings
4 net carbs per serving (this will vary depending on how big your celery root is)

1 celery root (celeriac)
frying oil of choice (coconut, canola, etc)
seasoning salt to taste

Chop the celery top off of the celery root.  Peel the root with a paring knife (I tried a potato peeler and it was a bit too difficult).  Cut the root ball into 4 pieces to be easier to work with.  If you have a mandolin, use it to get even slices.  If not, try to cut each potato chip with the same thickness to ensure they cook evenly.  Add 1 1/2 - 2 inches of oil in large skillet (cast iron works great for this type of recipe if you have one).  Heat oil on high.  It needs to be very hot so test it by putting a tiny scrap of celery root in to see if instantly starts sizzling before adding your celery chips.  Once your test chip sizzles, fry celery root pieces (you will probably need to do in batches as they won't all fit in your pan) until they turn lightly brown with some darker brown along the edges (like kettle chips).  Watch them closely as they quickly go from a perfect crisp chip to burnt nastiness.  Remove from oil and drain on a paper towel covered plate.  Immediately sprinkle with seasoning salt.  Fry next batch of chips and continue the process.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Bell Pepper Rings filled with Eggs and Mozzarella

Bell Pepper Rings filled with Eggs and Mozzarella
Another meal in the series of meal suggestions!  As a bit of an experiment I used the Customize-able Meal Planner and have been following it as closely as possible for my meals during the last week.  You can see my entire week of planned Induction meals HERE.

I'm a bit unsure as to how to review this recipe.  I mean, the flavor of red bell pepper along with the egg and cheese were fabulous.  However, these were a pain in the you-know-what to cook where the eggs were cooked through.  The bottoms burnt because I had to cook them so long to get the tops of the eggs cooked and not clear/slimy.  Next time I will chop up the red bell pepper, saute a bit to soften then mix together with eggs as a bell pepper scramble.  If you don't like scrambled eggs then I would saute chopped bell peppers, place on a plate and then top with eggs cooked to your liking. *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

1 serving
5.1 net carbs per serving

1/2 medium bell pepper
2 large eggs
1 tsp canola oil
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Cut bell pepper in half across the middle, then cut two 1-inch rings.  Remove seeds and ribs.  Place rings in saute pan with oil over medium-high heat.  Place an egg in each ring and cook until desired doneness (do not flip).  Top eggs with cheese and cover pan and cook 1 more minute until cheese has melted.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Re-posting Recipes

Just a quick note: Please feel free to post my recipes and even my photos on your blog or Pinterest or anywhere else as long as you LINK BACK TO ME.

I have had a handful of people courteous enough to ask me this question before they post.  There have also been numerous people that have posted my recipes (or their re-creations of) but DO LINK BACK.

Recently I have come across a few blogs that are claiming my recipes as their own, some even using my photos.  This is alarming to me as I would never walk into your classroom, erase your name and write mine on a report.

I don't mind sharing and I find it flattering that any of you would want to share my recipes and/or photos on your pages.  I only mind when my work is being represented as someone elses.

Long story short:  Please feel free to post my work, just let people know that it's my work!  Thanks!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lemon Pepper Wings

Lemon Pepper Wings
Oh my these were good!  I was in the mood for some wings and these really hit the spot.  So tangy and lemony and peppery, yum.  Wings are one of the greatest things about being low carb / Atkins and it's so fun to play with different flavors for them.  I get giant bags of them at Sam's Club (like Costco) to always have in my freezer.  If you are looking for some other fun wings flavors, I've made PARMESAN CRUSTED (my favorite), SALT AND VINEGAR (can't beat the tang on these), as well as BUFFALO WINGS (you can't go wrong with a classic) in the past.  *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

2 servings
1 net carbs per serving

16 defrosted wings and drummettes
1/4 cup salted butter, melted
1/2 tsp seasoned salt
1 1/2 tsp lemon pepper
juice of half a lemon
pepper to taste

Bake wings in a preheated oven at 425 degrees for 1 hour.  I put them on a foil lined cookie sheet that I spray with butter flavored Pam.  They should be fully cooked and the skin crispy when done.  Meanwhile, mix butter, seasoned salt, lemon pepper, lemon juice and pepper together in a medium sized bowl.  Once wings are fully cooked, toss them in the lemon pepper sauce.

*You can also deep fry them for 12 minutes at 400 degrees but we actually prefer the oven method.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Beef and Bell Pepper Saute

Beef and Bell Pepper Saute
Another meal in the series of meal suggestions!  As a bit of an experiment I used the Customize-able Meal Planner and have been following it as closely as possible for my meals during the last week.  You can see my entire week of planned Induction meals HERE.

This was a very simple and yummy meal.  The original recipe calls for a red bell pepper but I used some defrosted frozen mixed peppers.  Either way is fine, depending on what you have available.  This is a recipe that I've actually made a couple of times since it's so easy and filling.  Nothing that is WOW worthy but a good basic meal. *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

1 serving
5 net carbs per serving

5 ounces ground beef
1/4 cup chopped scallions
1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper (or frozen mix)
1/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
salt & pepper to taste

Saute ground beef in skillet over medium high heat for 1-2 minutes.  Add scallions and bell pepper.  Saute until beef is browned and peppers are soft.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Drain grease if necessary.  Plate meal and sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cheddar Burger with Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions

Cheddar Burger with Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions
Another meal in the series of meal suggestions!  As a bit of an experiment I used the Customize-able Meal Planner and have been following it as closely as possible for my meals during the last week.  You can see my entire week of planned Induction meals HERE.

This was a decent basic meal but I was still a bit hungry afterwards since there's no sides.  Next time I will probably add a small side salad to accompany.  I used a pre-made frozen hamburger patty since I already had them in the freezer.  If you do, just make sure to check the ingredients for carby fillers or added sugars.  I also just pan fried instead of heating up the grill for just one burger. *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

1 serving
3.7 net carbs per serving

Grill burger to desired degree of doneness.  Meanwhile, sauté mushrooms and onions in a skillet with 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil until soft and onions are tender.  To serve, place burger on plate, top with onions and mushrooms and then cheese.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Beef Huevos Rancheros

Beef Huevos Rancheros
This is my first meal in the series of meal suggestions!  As a bit of an experiment I used the Customize-able Meal Planner and have been following it as closely as possible for my meals during the last week.  You can see my entire week of planned Induction meals HERE.

This was good.  Nothing special but certainly edible and different from just plain eggs and bacon.  I thought it was just a bit bland and at least should have some hot sauce or salsa over it to give it an added punch of flavor.  FYI, the original recipe said to serve this over a slice of canadian bacon but I didn't have any so I just made a side of regular bacon.  Also, this was supposed to have fresh chopped cilantro over the top, which probably would have upped the flavor but I only had dried so that's what I used. I've had a bit of an internal debate about whether to give this 3 or 4 stars.  I have decided on 4 as I'm pretty sure I'd make this again, even though I'd certainly add more spices and/or some hot sauce next time.  *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

4 servings
2.5 net carbs per serving

The directions for this dish call for scrambled eggs, but you can also serve them fried or poached.
In a greased medium skillet, brown the beef over medium heat.
Stir in chiles, garlic, chili powder, cumin, oregano, salt and pepper. Cook 5–10 minutes to blend the flavors.
Lay the Canadian bacon slices over the top of the beef mixture to warm. Remove pan from heat and set aside.
In another skillet, scramble eggs until firm. 
Place 1 piece of Canadian bacon on each plate, top with a quarter of the beef mixture and a quarter of the eggs. Sprinkle with cheese and chopped cilantro.