Thursday, September 20, 2012

Black Soy Beans and Peppers

Black Soy Beans
What the heck is a photo of beans doing on a Low Carb blog?  I'm sure that's what you are thinking if you've never heard of black soy beans.  They are the lowest carb bean of them all!  I've yet to try these magic beans but recently went to Sprouts with the sole intent to pick up some Eden Organic Black Soy Beans.  Boy am I glad I did as these are just like "regular" black beans!  I doctored them up quite a bit as I wasn't sure what the taste was going to be like so I wanted to use some ingredients to help blend it better.  If you like your beans with tomatoes and peppers and such, then this recipe is right up your alley!  If you like your black beans a little simpler, I think these black soy beans will make you quite happy as well.

4 servings
5 net carbs per serving

2 tsp olive oil (or sauteing oil of choice)
1/2 green bell pepper, chopped (I used a handful of frozen mixed peppers that I chopped)
1/4 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 can black soy beans, drained
1 can tomatoes with green chili, drained (check labels as some store brands have less net carbs than the Rotel name brand)
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp Splenda (optional)
salt to taste

Saute the green bell pepper, onion and garlic in the olive oil until soft.  Add all remaining ingredients and simmer until everything is thoroughly mixed and warmed throughout.


  1. I love these beans. There's even a chocolate cake, low carb, of course, recipe using these magic beans. It's not bad either! :)

  2. They are great. I made chilli with them, came out pretty good. Will try them in a black bean soup recipe soon.
