Tuesday, March 6, 2012

30 Second Microwave Cookie

It's not the greatest cookie ever but it IS the greatest cookie that takes 30 seconds to make.  It tasted ok.  I'll probably make it again but mainly because of the easiness and I usually have the ingredients on hand.  I have both vanilla and chocolate whey protein powder (I use Body Fortress brand from Walmart) but made the vanilla since Linda said it was the better tasting on her page.  I overcooked mine a bit at 20 seconds and it was dry.  I think next time I will stop at the 15 seconds suggested in the original recipe.

1 serving of 1 cookie
2 net carbs

1 teaspoon butter
1/2 scoop vanilla or chocolate whey protein powder, 1/6 cup
2 teaspoons granular Splenda or equivalent liquid Splenda *
Water, about 3/4 teaspoon plus 1/8 teaspoon

In a small microwaveable bowl, heat the butter in the microwave about 20 seconds or until melted. If you're using liquid Splenda, mix it into the melted butter now. Stir in the whey powder and granular Splenda as well as you can. It will be very dry. Gradually add some water, about 1/8 teaspoon at a time, just until you can form the mixture into a ball that isn't too sticky to handle. Keep the dough ball in the bowl and microwave on HIGH 15-30 seconds or until the dough puffs up. Don't over cook it or it will come out very dry. In my microwave it takes about 15 seconds or so. Cool and eat.
If you microwave the cookie for about 15 seconds you'll get a more tender, chewy cookie but it won't be very big. Microwaving it for closer to 30 seconds causes the dough to puff up almost twice as much but the cookie will be pretty dry and crumbly. 


  1. I just made this with the Chocolate Whey powder and swirled in some natural peanut butter before cooking. Did 15 sec in the microwave and ate it with a little cream on top... woah, not bad! =)

  2. That sounds great. I think I'll add some PB in next time I make one. Thanks!

  3. My hubby and I just made these and they arent bad at all, we also added some pure lemon extract and they were good also.

  4. My "cookie" came out really weird. It tasted ok, tho. Next time I'll only use a sprinkling of Splenda as my protein powder is sweet enough.
