Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Atkins Italian Sausage Primavera Review

Let's start with a random tidbit!  My parents were *THIS* close to naming me Primavera.  Instead she chose Tamara (Layla is my youngest daughter).  Since that's what I thought about when I first saw this meal, you get to now think about it too!  So on to the real stuff.  This frozen dinner almost, kind of, sort of looks like the photo on the box.  More so than some other dinners.  The yellowish sauce on the box is drizzled on so it's not as yellow as the real meal.  However the veggies and meat really do look similar and are a great quality in my opinion.  Sometimes I have a real issue with the meat in frozen dinners as the quality is pretty dreadful.  I can see why we are paying a bit more for these than some other frozen dinners (I paid $3.98 at Walmart, which is the only place I've found them).  The price is worth it for the quality of the ingredients and just the fact that us low carbers have a frozen meal option!  I wouldn't say to eat one of these every day as real, fresh food is always going to be better than any frozen item full of preservatives.  However, I plan to keep one or two of these in my freezer to use for emergencies or lazy-days.

1 serving
5 net carbs per serving


  1. Thanks for the info Tamara (by the way the name Primavera is a cool name!). I hope we get these in Australia some time soon, they would be great for those lazy days or those ohh darn I forgot to go to the shop days!

  2. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm diabetic and need to be low carb. It's good to know about this option.

    1. Atkins Chili is the best I've ever bought. 3 carbs or less. The chicken without dumplings is good , too but the chili is excellent !!

  3. I haven't tried this flavor but I really like the crustless chicken pot pie, chicken Alfredo, and beef Merlot. Like you said a little expensive, and I think the portion sizes are almost too small but perfect for a lazy night.

  4. The crustless chicken pot pie is quite tasty. I usually have an issue with frozen sausages and the after taste. I hope they come out with more flavors. Glad to have a frozen option as a go to instead of boring salad.

  5. I thought this one was pretty good too.

  6. I have been wondering how they taste. Thanks for the review! I'm going to go out and get a few.

  7. I have trouble eating some meals with sausage, because it is too spicy for me. What is the spice level like on the sausage?

  8. This does look appetizing, I'll give it a try next week.

  9. This one is DELICIOUS!! My hands down favorite so far!

  10. I totally recommend this meal. Very fresh and I haven't been disappointed with any of their meals actually!

  11. Much recommended! Instant food this tasty are very rare!

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  14. That opening paragraph had me giggling. Primavera is a definitely a diff name

  15. Thanks for the write up Tamara. It actually looks pretty good. I wonder if Walmart still carries this item. Hmmm.

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