Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Atkins Crustless Chicken Pot Pie Review

Atkins Crustless Chicken Pot Pie
click to enlarge
My Super Walmart FINALLY put these little gems in the freezer section.  So let's start with the obvious.  It does not look like the photo.  That's pretty normal for frozen meals so it wasn't much of a shock.  They are 5 net carbs for 9 ounces.  That's fairly large for a frozen meal, most of the low calories frozen meals are closer to 6 or 7 ounces.  I had this for lunch and it didn't have me stuffed but it satisfied me until time for an afternoon snack.  Now on to the important stuff, the taste.  This tasted good!  The chicken was pretty decent (I don't like the quality of the chicken in some brands of low calorie frozen meals), the veggies were plentiful and the sauce was great!  I don't think it really tasted like a pot pie but if you ignore the name of it, then it was very good.  The price point is higher than the low calorie frozen dinners (I think I paid $3.89) but you can't complain considering us low carbers finally have frozen dinners again!

1 serving
5 net carbs per serving


  1. Thanks for the review! I've been waiting for a review because I can't find these meals anywhere and when I do I want to know which to choose.

    1. I've only tried the one but it really was very good tasting. My store only had 3 flavors and the other two were breakfast meals. I'm hoping they have more in stock soon.

  2. The broccoli beef one is my fav. I have tried a breakfast and the chicken alfredo and they were all good. Nice to have anything if I'm in a hurry or only cooking for me when the hubby and kids aren't here.

    1. I'll have to try that one! I didn't see it at my Walmart but I went on a day when the whole store needed restocked so maybe they were just out.

  3. I had this for lunch today. I liked it because it was quick and easy and did have a lot of flavor.

    1. They are excellent for a quick lunch at the office or when you only have a few minutes while wrestling with the kids!

  4. I've been meaning to get to my WalMart to see which ones they have. I'm really trying to stay away from processed foods as much as I can, but I want some of these to keep on hand for when I need something in a pinch. This sounds good. Thanks for the review.

    1. I agree on the processed foods limits as well as keeping one around for emergencies!

  5. I have tried them all. The breakfast ones are out of this world good. My fave is the Chicken Alfredo so far. I love to have them at work, and the breakfast again is so good. Let me know when you try the breakfast ones.

  6. I found them today at my WalMart and just had the same one that you did. It was delicious and since my family ate a large lunch out, I didn't need to cook tonight. What a great convenience!! I did't think that I would try the breakfasts because I can't imagine a frozen breakfast. But since they are getting such great reviews, I guess I will try them.

  7. Thanks for the review. I have a few coupons and will have to check my Walmart.

    1. They are a bit on the expensive side for frozen meals so coupons are the way to go if you have them!

  8. I've had a few of the dinners. The chicken Alfredo was my favorite, but to tell the truth Im not real impressed with any of them...and I absolutely hated the crustess chicken pot pie! I couldn't even finish that one! I will ONLY eat these if Im very hungry and there is nothing else around to eat.

  9. I finally found the entire line at my Walmart this past Thursday and bought one of each. First today, was the Crustless pot pie and I totally agree with your review. It is much better than most frozen dinners I've had in the past. The chicken is tasty and veggies aren't mush. I haven't had a frozen dinner since I started Atkins last January (62 lbs ago!)so this is a welcome option for lunchtime at work.
    Can't wait to wrap up the breakfast dinners in a Mission Carb Control small wheat tortilla! My MAJOR go-to low carb bread substitute! So excited that Mission has come out with wheat and more sizes for the flour!

    1. Congrats on your loss so far! Your breakfast wraps sound awesome!

  10. I just had the crustless chicken pot pie. I loved it. Chicken, veggies and sauce were all good. Will definitely buy more!

  11. Hi,
    I agree the convenience is great, but DO NOT ignore the sodium numbers in these meals! The tex mex scramble had over 40% of the recommended sodium per day! I felt awful after eating it.

  12. I just tried this very same one on Monday, it was the first one I was able to find. I wish they would carry them in more stores.

    I too thought it was pretty good, even if it didn't taste like a pot pie. The chicken was the perfect texture, definitely buying this one again.

    1. I've heard that they have rolled out to other stores but I've still only found them at Walmart.

  13. I've tried the Meat Merlot(I think that's what it was called) it came with slices of beef in a gravy with broccoli... And it had a good taste, but that serving size didn't do much for my hunger. :/ but it is nice to know that when in a crunch I can pop one of those in the microwave to hold me over.

  14. I'm eating Atkins crustless chicken pot pie at the moment. I love this frozen meal. I'm not happy with the amount of sodium it contains, so it won't be a regular purchase.

  15. I just tried this Crustless Chicken Pot Pie and it is Wonderful. Very taste satisfying. Does anyone have the Recipe ??

  16. i loved this and would like to find a recipe for one like it! where I can lower the fat and sodium a bit...anyone???anyone???

  17. No no NO. This is nothing like pot pie AT ALL. Since when does chicken pot pie have broccoli, cauliflower and spinach in it? Since never. Also, It tastes ok, but is not anything like they show in the picture on the box. There wasn't a single piece of chicken in it bigger than a dime- no exaggeration. If they called it "Alfredo Vegetables and Chicken" that would be more accurate since that's basically what it is- lots of vegetables in sauce with a little bit of chicken thrown in- and it's a very small portion. How on earth they got it up to 22 grams of protein, 330 calories and 22 grams of fat has to be a miracle of science (or more likely just a lie) since there's almost nothing in it but non-starchy vegetables. I bet if you sent it to a lab for analysis, those aren't the numbers they'd come up with. Won't buy again.

  18. i just tried this one today. it was really good. i closed my eyes and imagined there was a crust on it to see if i could feel like i was eating pot pie and it really DOES taste like chicken pot pie if you think about it. but even without the crust it was really tasty. i noticed when i was half way through it that it seemed like a fairly large portion for a frozen dinner. usually you get into eating one and before you know it, it's gone. but this was large enough to feel satisfied when done. lots of veggies- i liked the cauliflower in it, i usually don't get frozen meals that have cauliflower, so it was a nice touch. and i'm really paranoid about frozen dinner chicken as well- but this didn't seem chewy or strangely colored. i'd totally get this again.

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