Monday, April 2, 2012

Greek Feta Eggs

Greek Feta Eggs

Tired of the same old eggs for breakfast almost every day?  Well change them up!  Get creative with it.  These eggs are fabulous and are a nice change of pace even though it's still eggs for breakfast.  I like my eggs cooked over medium but of course you can cook them any way you prefer. *INDUCTION FRIENDLY*

1 serving
1 net carb per serving

1 pat of butter
2 eggs
1 slice of lemon or 1/4 tsp of bottled lemon juice
2 tsp feta cheese
1/8 tsp dried oregano
a dash of lemon pepper
a dash of garlic powder

Melt butter over medium heat in small skillet.  Add eggs then sprinkle all ingredients over the top of them (I tried to use the small crumbs of feta that had fallen to the bottom of the container).  Cook to your liking.  Eat!


  1. This is a very good recipe! I really enjoyed it.

  2. Hello there! What is your opinion on commercial pop-ups put on personal blogs?

  3. This recipe looks awesome!!! Since I don’t use grain flour, do you think almond or coconut flour would work well as a substitute? Thanks!

  4. No kids of my own yet, but I like to bake with my younger cousin. I talk about food with my students in school and encourage them to get involved in making smart choices at home!
    Harold Burton

  5. I made this last night and it was delicious! I used almond milk instead of soy and I used zucchini noodles instead of ramen. I love love love miso soup so it’s nice to have another way to make it!
    Kelly Hubbard

  6. thabks for sharing this tip! It’s going to be my first time to bake spaghetti squash and I’m lucky to have read your post I’m so excited that I won’t fail because your tips are easy and perfect!
    Jayme Silvestri

  7. I can only guess, since I haven't made it that way. I would use about 2 cups chicken stock to simmer the ingredients on the stove, then add the coconut milk when the sweet potatoes are tender. Be sure the stock is mostly cooked away before you add the coconut milk.
    Paul Brown
